Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Colorado Wild Fires RAGE

You would have to be living in a bunker with zero contact with the outside world to miss the fires burning in Colorado.
What can we learn from the current situation? What can we do to better prepare ourselves and our families so that WHEN something strikes near us, we will not be destitute.

If you had y our bunker buried under ground near these fires, how do you think they would fare? What would you have to replace and repair after the fires are in control?

Our Bus is fully prepared with 15 minutes notice to pull out and hit the road, we have our 72 Kits prepped in bug out bags, and we have our Bug out Bus fully loaded to maintain our current standard of living.

We will not skip a beat, it will feel like vacation when we are forced to evacuate.

Maybe you have family or friends near the fires (we do...Hi Doug & Julia!)

maybe you fear for their comfort and safety.... when you have a Bug out Bus, you can roll right into town and offer relief to your loved ones, they can climb aboard the bus, and maintain a safe, clean and comfortable living while we pray and wait for the rains to come.

What are YOU waiting for?

We offer the solution to instability, we will build to YOUR budget, we have extensive experience with living in our bus, and we have been building since 1990.

Let us help you Draw up the plan, budget, and time line for YOUR very own


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